Live captioning has shown to be quite beneficial for both professionals and students. There are several situations in which live captions have enhanced comprehension, increased understanding, and made content accessible to everybody in settings like conference rooms and schools. However, we must first comprehend live captions before delving into their advantages for live captioning service.

Simultaneously generated and delivered at the moment the video is created are live subtitles. Highly skilled captioning services create real-time or live captions. Lectures, presentations, council meetings, seminars, live sporting events, news broadcasts, and any other event that can be characterized as live are examples of events where live or real-time captioning is employed.

What Is Live Captioning?

Live captions are defined by the W3C Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 3.0) as making real-time presentations accessible to hard-of-hearing or deaf viewers. It further details the live subtitles played over the audio track as part of the program. Speakers, sound effects, and other important sounds should all be identified in live captions.

Similarly, live captions are defined by the Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) as real-time captions, or captions that are generated and presented when the program is created. Real-time captions are frequently shown with white lettering on a black backdrop.

  • The National Captioning Institute launched real-time captioning, commonly called live captioning, in 1982.
  • Even if the COVID-19 epidemic has raised demand for online education, real-time captioning is advantageous for educational institutions. 
  • In order to provide better e-learning experiences, live captioning is frequently employed in presentations and lectures. 
  • Real-time captioning has several advantages for corporations as well as educational institutions.

Contact us at to learn more about Acadecraft's Live Captioning Services.

What Are The Advantages Of Live Captioning?

Here are the advantages that one can enjoy with live captioning service

Improved Accessibility: 

Everyone can view content thanks to live captioning. Everyone benefits from having live subtitles, including users who are (d) Deaf or hard of hearing and who speak English as a second language. In live streaming, lectures, and meetings, subtitles help professionals and students.

Enhanced Engagement: 

The presence of live subtitles aids in comprehension, which draws more attention. People who watch videos with live subtitles can comprehend the content and context of the video better. This is particularly useful in training and classroom settings because subtitles assist learners in becoming acquainted with the material.

Enhanced SEO: 

In addition to transcriptions, search engines also like captions. Enhance your writing by including live subtitles in your videos. This will help them appear higher in search results on sites like Google. 

Boost Your Accessibility:

Accessibility is crucial for audiences and students who are hard of hearing or deaf. Here's where real-time captioning may be quite helpful. Regarding live streaming, meetings, or classroom instruction, captioning gives everyone an equal chance to view the information.

Enhanced Involvement and Understanding:

Live captioning enhances comprehension in educational contexts and increases audience engagement with the information. This is particularly crucial for more specialist or technical information since some audience segments might not comprehend it completely or be familiar with it. Thus you can get help from captioning services and get the captions on your live videos to connect with your audience. 


Search engines can recognize keywords and arrange relevant information that fits the search query; they are not designed to comprehend a video. Therefore, simply posting movies won't cut it. A video that has subtitles will rank higher than one that doesn't. Search engines will rely on video metadata and descriptions without transcriptions or captions. 

Although nice, it can't compete with videos that include real-time captioning. It's time to caption your material now that you know the benefits real-time captioning offers to corporations and educational institutions. You can provide your audience with the best possible experiences and increase engagement with live captioning.